- The ICHPER-SD Journal of Research in Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport & Dance : the Official Publication of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance / 1
- The impact of the development of the fifth generation (5G) communication technology on the sports industry 2
- The individual model of the care over mother and child / ed. by Barbara Zych, Edyta Barnaś. 1
- The influence of physical exercise and training on some physiological properties of bone marrow tissue and peripheral blood erythrocytes / Krzysztof Spodaryk ; Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie. 1
- The influence of resistance training on VO2 and pacing strategy of elite canoeists : Wpływ treningu oporowego na VO2 i strategię pacingu u elitarnych kajakarzy / Yang Xing, Inna Sokołowska, Andriy Maznychenko. 1
- The initiation of the heartbeat / Denis Noble. 1
- The inner world of mental illness : a series of first-person accounts of what it was like / ed. by Bert Kaplan. 1
- The Journal of Physiology. 1
- The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness : official journal of the Fédération internationale de médecine sportive. 1
- The joy of learning 1
- The joy of soaring : a training manual / Caarle Conway , ill. Gill Parcell. 1
- The judo advantage / Steve Scott. 1
- The judo instructor / by M. G. Harvey. 1
- The key to judo / Chinakashi Nakanishi ; fot. Norman Gold. 1
- The Kingfisher. Encyklopedia of Lands and Peoples 5
- The Kościuszko Foundation dictionary : English-Polish, Polish English. by Kazimierz Bulas, Lawrence L. Thomas and Francis J. Whitfield. 1
- The Kościuszko Foundation dictionary : English-Polish, Polish-English. by Kazimierz Bulas and Francis J. Whitfield. 1
- The Kraków child : the level of the biological development in the Kraków children and youth 1
- The language of wisdom and folly : background readings in semantics / ed. and with introduction by Irving J. Lee. 1
- The Leader as Martial Artist: an Introduction to Deep Democracy 1
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