- The Wingate Anaerobic Test / Omri Inbar, Oded Bar-Or, James S. Skinner. 1
- The world through English. L. L. Szkutnik, J. Pankhurst. 4
- The world trough English verb forms in bildingual / Stanisław Kaczmarski. 1
- The Young Children's Encyclopedia. Encyclopaedia Britannica ; William Benton, publisher. 16
- The Young Oxford book of ecology 1
- The young tennis player 1
- Then and now : how the world has changed since WW II 1
- Theoretical and methodological principles of selected summer forms of active tourism / Wojciech Czarny [et al. ; transl. Jadwiga Ryba, Grzegorz Karpiuk, Anna Śmiały]. 1
- Theorie und Diagnostik sportbezogener Ängstlichkeit : Ein situationsanalytischer Ansatz : Aus dem Psychologischen Institut der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln / Dieter Hackfort. 1
- Theorie und Praxis der Körperkultur. 2
- Theorie und Praxis im Sportstudium / Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln ; red. Ilka Lüsenbrink. 1
- Theories of personality / William B. Arndt. 1
- Theories of value and distribution since Adam Smith 1
- Theory and methodology of training 2
- Theory and methodology of training : The key to athletic performance / Tudor O. Bompa. 1
- Theory and methology of training. 3
- Theory and practice in behavior therapy / Aubrey J. Yates. 1
- Theory and practice of physical culture 1
- Theory of democracy revisited 1
- Theory of tourism and tourism management / Tadeusz Chudoba. 1
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