- The Peripheral arterial chemoreceptors : proceedings of an International Workshop / ed. M. J. Purves. 1
- The personal trainer's handbook / Teri S. O'Brien. 1
- The phonology of modern English / Wiktor Jassem. 1
- The physical self : from motivation to well-being / Kenneth R. Fox, editor. 1
- The physiological basis of physical education and athletics / Donald K. Mathews, Edward L. Fox ; ill. by Nancy Allison Close. 1
- The politics of experience and the bird of paradise 1
- The power positive thinking 1
- The practical guide to organising events / Philip Berners. 1
- The practice of behavior therapy / Joseph Wolpe. 1
- The practice of social research 1
- The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites / ed. Richard Stillwell, William L. MacDonald, Marian Holland McAllister. 1
- The principles of riding : basic training for horse and rider / The German Equestrian Federation. 1
- The problem of muscular synergism with special emphasis on stabilising functions of skeletal muscles / ed. by Stefan Kornecki. 1
- The Professional / Edwin Fadiman. 1
- The puzzle of ethics 1
- The quality dictionary of the English language. 1
- The racing rules of sailing ; for 1997-2000 1
- The relationship of movement-oriented pre-experiences and health aspects during the COVID-19 pandemic : a dissertation / Sebastian Müller-Haugk. 1
- The research challenges in nursing practice / Małgorzata Marć, Natalia Shygonska (eds.). 1
- The Research Quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. 1
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