- Science and the Future 1
- Science and the supernatural 1
- Science in sports team games : an International Conference, 28.04.1995 / red. Józef Bergier ; Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. The Institute of Sport and Physical Education in Biała Podlaska ; International Association of Sport Kinetics. 1
- Science in swimming. ed. by Krystyna Zatoń and Marcin Jaszczak. 1
- Science in swimming. ed. by Krystyna Zatoń, Marek Rejman, Andrzej Klarowicz. 1
- Science in swimming. ed. by Krystyna Zatoń, Marek Rejman, Anna Kwaśna. 1
- Science in swimming. ed. by Krystyna Zatoń, Marek Rejman, Krystyna Antoniak-Lewandowska. 1
- Science in swimming. ed. Krystyna Zatoń and Marek Rejman. 1
- Science in swimming. edited by Krystyna Zatoń, Marek Rejman, Magdalena Chrobot. 1
- Science in swimming. edited by Marek Rejman, Krystyna Zatoń, Stefan Szczepan. 1
- Science in swimming. edited by Marek Rejman, Stefan Szczepan. 1
- Science of flexibility / Michael J. Alter. 1
- Science of HIIT : understand the anatomy and physiology to transform your body : high intensity interval training / Ingrid S. Clay. 1
- Science of smell 1
- Science of sports training : how to plan and control training for peak performance / Thomas Kurz. 2
- Scientific and academic activities of Polish universities and other higher schools / Republic of Poland. Ministry of National Education and Sport ; [ed. by Lucyna Ćwikła et al.]. 1
- Scientific basis of rheumatology 1
- Scientific research in hurdle races 1
- Scientific Review of Physical Culture of University of Rzeszow Poland 1
- Scientific workshops of the University School of Physical Education in Gdansk, Poland : studies - reports - reviews / [red. Mariusz Gizowski] 1
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