- Physical activity for life : East and West, South and Nord : 9th Biennial Conference, Prague, 2-7 july 1994 / ed. Bohumil Svoboda, Antonin Rychtecky ; International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport. 1
- Physical activity in early and modern populations : fifty-ninth annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 11-13.1987 / [red. Robert M. Malina]. 1
- Physical activity in human experience : interdisciplinary perspectives [ed.] James E. Curtis, Storm J. Russell. 1
- Physical activity in integrating Europe / scientific eds. Jerzy Kosiewicz, Lech Jaczynowski ; The Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical Education. 1
- Physical activity in the lifecycle : the 1993 fiep world congress, march 28 april 3, Wingate Institute, Israel : abstracts / Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport. 1
- Physical activity in the rehabilitation process of individuals with spinal cord injuries in the cervical segments 1
- Physical activity interventions in children and adolescents / Dianne S. Ward, Ruth P. Saunders, Russel R. Pate. 1
- Physical activity, education and health in pro-defense contexts 1
- Physical activity, fitness, and health : international proceedings and consensus statement / ed. Claude Bouchard, Roy J. Shephard, Thomas Stephens. 1
- Physical Activity: diseases and issues recognized by the WHO 1
- Physical and social activity of third age persons 1
- Physical being : a theory for a corporeal psychology / Rom Harré. 1
- Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research / 2
- Physical culture in Poland between 1945 and 2009 / ed. by Leonard Nowak & Renata Urban ; University School of Physical Education in Poznan. Faculty of Physical Culture in Gorzow Wlkp., Polish Scientific Physical Education Association. 1
- Physical culture, health education and safety : contemporary selected issues. 1
- Physical culture, health education and safety : selected contemporary issues. 1
- Physical dimensions of aging / Waneen W. Spirduso. 1
- Physical education - vocabulary : skrypt do języka angielskiego / Kamila Jankowska-Lorek [et al.] ; pod red. Kamili Jankowskiej-Lorek. 1
- Physical Education and Sport 2
- Physical education and sport : Change and challenge / Charles A. Bucher, Nolan A. Thaxton. 1
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