- Concise Oxford dictionary of sociology 1
- Conditioning techniques in clinical practice and research / introd. and ed. by Cyril M. Franks. 1
- Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe: documents 1973-1983 1
- Conjoint Family Therapy : a guide to theory and technique Virginia Satir. 1
- Conoscere l'italiano : intermedio-avanzato / Simona Simula. 1
- Conoscere l'italiano : praktyczna gramatyka włoska z ćwiczeniami / Simona Simula ; [autorka polskiej adaptacji Elżbieta Jamrozik]. 1
- Conservation of natural qualities and the touristic capacity of montane national parks in Poland 1
- Constructing behavioral objectiv / Henry H. Walbesser. 1
- Consumer psychology for marketing 1
- Consumption and the quality of products of common use : international science conference : materials: lectures, summaries et communiques and reports : supplement / [ed. Janusz S. Feczko] ; Academy of Economics Cracow, Academy of Physical Education Cracow. Faculty of Tourism and Recreation, Learned Society of Organization and Management Cracow. 1
- Consumption and the quality of products of common use : international science conference : materials: lectures, summaries et communiques and reports, Cracow 1989 / [ed. Janusz S. Feczko] ; Academy of Economics Cracow, Academy of Physical Education Cracow. Faculty of Tourism and Recreation, Learned Society of Organization and Management Cracow. 1
- Contemporary Biomechanics : selected topics : International Congress of the Polish Society of Biomechanics "Biomechanics '08" Wrocław 1
- Contemporary challenges of homeland security in aspect of aquatic security 1
- Contemporary issues in sociology of sport / editors: Andrew Yiannakis, Merrill J. Melnick. 1
- Contemporary schools of psychology / by Robert S. Woodworth in collab. with Mary R. Sheehan. 1
- Contemporary sport management / ed. Janet B. Parks, Jerome Quarterman, Beverly R. K. Zanger. 1
- Contest judo : ten decisive throws / Saburo Matsushita (5th Dan), Warwick Stepto (4th Dan) 1
- Contextualized vocabulary tests. L. A. Hill ; il. Derek Collard. 1
- Controversial issues in psychology / James M. Vanderplas. 1
- Conversation on professionalism in nursing in commemoration of the 40 anniversary of University nurse education in Poland, Lublin 1969-2009 1
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