- Computer science in economy 1
- Computers in geography 1
- Computers, libraries, systems 1
- Comte / Barbara Skarga. 1
- Conceptions and research problems of geography 1
- Concepts 1
- Concepts and issues in health care computing / H. Dominic Covvey, Nancy H. Craven, Neil H. McAlister. 1
- Concepts of membranes in regulation and excitation / ed. by M. Rocha e Silva, Guilherme Suarez-Kurtz. 1
- Conceptual learning / Siegfried Engelmann. 1
- Concise book of dry needling : a practicioner's guide to myofacial trigger point applications 1
- Concise encyclopedia of the humany body 1
- Concise English-Polish and Polish-English dictionary 2
- Concise Oxford dictionary of sociology 1
- Conditioning techniques in clinical practice and research / introd. and ed. by Cyril M. Franks. 1
- Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe: documents 1973-1983 1
- Conjoint Family Therapy : a guide to theory and technique Virginia Satir. 1
- Conoscere l'italiano : intermedio-avanzato / Simona Simula. 1
- Conoscere l'italiano : praktyczna gramatyka włoska z ćwiczeniami / Simona Simula ; [autorka polskiej adaptacji Elżbieta Jamrozik]. 1
- Conservation of natural qualities and the touristic capacity of montane national parks in Poland 1
- Constructing behavioral objectiv / Henry H. Walbesser. 1
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