- Exercise and oxygen toxicity / ed. Chandan K. Sen, Lester Packer, Osmo Hänninen. 1
- Exercise and physical fitness : a personalized approach / Christopher L. Melby, Gerald C. Hyner. 1
- Exercise and sport science / ed. Wiliam E. Garett, Jr. Donald Kirkendall ; il. Marsha Dohrmann. 1
- Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 1
- Exercise ball at home 1
- Exercise biochemistry / Vassilis Mougios. 1
- Exercise for a strong back 1
- Exercise for strong bones 1
- Exercise in the practice of medicine / Gerald F. Fletcher. 1
- Exercise in Water / ed. M. H. Duffield. 1
- Exercise physiology : exercise, performance, and clinical applications / Robert A. Robergs, Scott O. Roberts. 1
- Exercise physiology for health care professionals / Frank J. Cerny, Harold W. Burton. 1
- Exercise prescription : a case study approach to the ACSM guidelines / David P. Swain, Brian C. Leutholtz. 1
- Exercise programming for older adults / Kay A. Van Norman. 1
- Exercise psychology 1
- Exercise psychology / Joe D. Willis, Linda Frye Cambell. 1
- Exercise testing and training in the elderly cardiac patient / Mark A. Williams. 1
- Exercise, fitness, and health : a consensus of current knowledge : Proceedings of the International Conference on Exercise, Fitness, and Health held may 29-june 3, 1988, in Toronto / edited by Claude Bouchard [et al.]. 1
- Exercised : why something we never evolved to do is healhty and rewarding, 1
- Exercises in English : structural and transformational syntax / Andrzej Kaznowski, Ewa Mioduszewska. 1
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