- Sports Biomechanics : International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. 1
- Sports Cars 1
- Sports dictionary in seven languages : English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Hungarian, Russian by F. Hepp. 1
- Sports et societe : approche socio-culturelle des pratiques / Christian Pociello. 1
- Sports for people with disabilities : theory and practice : health and social dimension of training sports of people with disabilities = Sport osób z niepełnosprawnością : teoria i praktyka : zdrowotny i społeczny wymiar treningu sportowego osób z niepełnosprawnością / edited by = pod redakcją: Anna Zwierzchowska, Joanna Sobiecka, Ryszard Plinta ; Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach. 2
- Sports in American life : a history / Richard O. Davies. 1
- Sports injuries : mechanisms, prevention, treatment / editors: Freddie H. Fu, David A. Stone. 1
- Sports involvement in changing Europe / Jerzy Kosiewicz, Kazimierz Obodyński (eds.) ; Podkarpackie Scientific Society of Physical Culture in Rzeszów, European Association for Sociology of Sport, University of Rzeszów. 1
- Sports language & linguistics 1
- Sports mama : wróć do formy w 12 tygodni po porodzie / Aleksandra Rożnowska. 1
- Sports marketing : a strategic perspective / Matthew D. Shank. 1
- Sports Massage and Complementary Techniques 1
- Sports medicine : The school-age athlete / praca zbior. pod red. Bruce Reider. 1
- Sports medicine / ed. Richard H. Strauss. 1
- Sports medicine for specific ages and abilities / edited by Nicola Maffulli et al. 1
- Sports Medicine. 1
- Sports Nutrition for endurance athletes 1
- Sports rules encyklopedia / ed. Jess R. White. 1
- Sports specific training effects and their physiological monitoring in high performance athletes / Viktor Mishchenko [et al.]. 1
- Sports women / red. Marlene J. Adrian. 1
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