- Polish Journal of Public Health 1
- Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism = Sport i Turystyka / 1
- Polish Journal of Sports Medicine 1
- Polish maritime code 1
- Polish medical bibliography 3
- Polish medical bibliography for the year 1972 1
- Polish national parks 1
- Polish paralympic team 1
- Polish pyramids and 40 other peculiarities 1
- Polish rituals of the annual cycle 1
- Polish Sports Poster from the collection of the Museum of Sports and Tourism in Warsaw 1
- Polish-english dictionary : Collins 1
- Polish-english dictionary of science and technology 1
- Polish-English dictionary of science and technology 2
- Polish-English dictionary PWN-Oxford 1
- Polish-English phraseological dictionary 1
- Politechnika Gdańska 2
- Politechnika Gdańska - 50 lat : wczoraj, dziś, jutro : rok jubileuszowy 1994/95 / [red. Barbara Ząbczyk-Chmielewska, Bożena Hakuć]. 1
- Politechnika Gdańska - pięćdziesiąt lat 1
- Politechnika Gdańska / [red. Iwona Zysnarska]. 1
Viewed records 22441-22460 from 40055