- Advances in Rehabilitation 1
- Aesthetic Cosmetology 1
- AJPH 1
- Aktual. Tur. 1
- Aktualności Turystyczne 1
- Aktualności Turystyczne : 1
- Am. anthropol. 1
- Am. j. health promot. 1
- Am. j. phys. med. 1
- Am. j. phys. med. rehabil. 1
- Am. j. publ. health 1
- American anthropologist 1
- American Anthropologist. 1
- American journal of health promotion 1
- American Journal of Health Promotion. 1
- American journal of physical medicine 1
- American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1
- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / 1
- American journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation 1
- American Journal of Physical Medicine. 1
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