- Citysport challenge : a guide for players, providers and pupils, based on the work of the University of Liverpool's Health and Leisure Research Group / David Brodie, Ken Roberts, Kevin Lamb. 1
- Civilisation progressive du français : avec 400 activités : niveau intermédiaire / Ross Steele. 1
- Clashing views on controversial educational issues / ed., selected and with introductions by James Wm. Noll. 1
- Clásico : Barcelone-Real Madrid : la guerre des mondes 1
- Classical budo 1
- Classical fighting arts of Japan 1
- Classroom management / by Judith M. Smith and Donald E. P. Smith. 1
- Clay & Pounds masaż leczniczy : podstawy anatomiczne i techniki / Laura Allen, David M. Pounds ; zdjęcia Vicki Overman ; ryciny David M. Pounds ; tłumaczenie z języka angielskiego Klaudia M. Walocha (części wstępne, rozdz. 1-3, 6, 8, 9), Przemysław A. Pękala (rozdz. 4, 5, 7, Dodatki A-C, Słowniczek). 1
- Clay and Pounds' basic clinical massage therapy : integrating anatomy and treatment 1
- Clever guts diet 1
- Clever guts diet recipe book. 150 delicious recipes to mend your gut and boost your health and wellbeing 1
- Click on 1 : companion / Virginia Evans, Neil O'Sullivan. 1
- Client-centered therapy : its current practice, implications and theory / by Carl R. Rogers ; with chapters contributed by Elaine Dorfman, Thomas Gordon, Nicholas Hobbs. 1
- Climbing : from gym to crag 1
- Climbing handbook 1
- Climbing manual 1
- Clinical application of neuromuscular techniques 1
- Clinical chemistry : principles, procedures, correlations / ed. Michael L. Bishop, Janet L. Duben-Engelkirk, Edward P. Fody. 1
- Clinical disorders of balance, posture and gait / ed. by Adolfo M. Bronstein [et al.]. 1
- Clinical endocrinology and metabolism : international practice and research / ed. J. B. Harris, D. M. Turnbull. 1
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