- San Diego ; 1
- San Diego : 9
- San Francisco : 4
- San Rafael, Calif. : 2
- Sandomierz : 4
- Sankt Augustin : 22
- Sankt-Peterburg : 3
- Sanok : 2
- Schönenberg : 1
- Schorndorf : 3
- Seattle : 1
- Second and revised edition. 1
- Second edition December 2016. 1
- Second edition with CD-ROM. 1
- Second edition, completed = Wydanie II, uzupełnione. 1
- Second edition. 21
- Second impression. 1
- Second printing. 1
- Sedona, AZ : 1
- Segrate-Milano : 1
Viewed records 1221-1240 from 2807